Home » The sims 4 Lots – Home

The sims 4 Lots – Home

by SimsMod
The sims 4 Lots - Home

This house is my entry in SIMplisticLiving‘s Shell Challenge. And even if it reminds some of my already existing houses, I’m still satisfied with the result. Maybe because I love creating those fairytale-ish builds with huge garden? And for a build made in just two (well maybe a little bit more) I’m kinda impressed with myself. And with my computer. Love you, sweetie. You’re old but defenitely GOLD.

  • 30×20 lot
  • 1 bedroom
  • Witchcaft office (please tell me how to name this room correctly!)

I kinda used all of EPs, GPs ans SPs in this build. You will have to turn bb.moveobjects on before placing.

You have to have your game fully updated to use this house.

Please, give me a credit if you use this house, ‘cause I want to know if I was helpful to someone with my creations. Thank you!

Nestled in the Middle of Nowhere and built right into the hill..

this house is perfect for any loner plant enthusiasts Sims…

Stocked with all the creature comforts,

So its just right for hiding from society…

Fully self-sufficient and ready for off-grid living…

The Sims 4 Socks & Leggings Downloads
