Home » The Sims 4 Reshade

The Sims 4 Reshade

by SimsMod
The Sims 4 Reshade

If you are one of the millions of fans who play The Sims 4 on PC, there are ways to make your Sims experience look even more graphically impressive – or get the vibe you want to achieve – through mods and presets.

How To Download And Install The Reshade In Sims 4?

  1. Open the download Reshade exe. Depending on where your browser downloads the mod, you can find it in different places. For most people, this will simply be the Downloads folder which can be reached through This PC.
  2. Select your game. Since the reshade can be used to upgrade many games other than The Sims 4, you’ll need to select your game. For this, you’ll need to find the location of where your Sims 4 is installed. Again, for most people, it’s C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin. Here you will need to select the .exe version. 
  3. Choose Direct3D 9. Once you select your game, you’ll be asked to choose between Direct3D 9, Open GL, Vulcan, and the rest. However, The Sims 4 uses only Direct3D 9, so you only need to select that.
  4. Select all the effects you want for your game. In this list, you should select ALL the effects if you want to significantly increase the quality of your graphics. Obviously, the more things you’ll be running, the heavier it will be on your computer. However, if you really want to upgrade the appearance of The Sims 4, select all options.
  5. Click Ok a couple of times and download everything. Here the program will work on its own to download everything it needs for your option. This process shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.
  6. Click to edit reshade settings. You can download multiple different presets and change them whenever you want. Here you can download this preset since it’s one of the best ones I’ve used.
  7. Extract the downloaded preset. You can use WinRar or any other program for this.
  8. Copy the extracted preset into the same C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin. The preset must go into the Bin folder.
  9. Select your preset through the reshade program. All you need to do here is to click on the “…” sign and find your preferred presets.
  10. Launch the game.

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