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The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

by SimsMod
The Sims 4 Seasons Cheats

The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion includes some unique cheats in the form of weather control, and of course it’s possible to cheat your skills. Here’s a guide to cheating in Seasons and what you’ll need to change the weather.

Don’t forget to first open up your cheat console with CTRL + Shift + C and type in testingcheats true. Otherwise some of the cheats won’t work.

These cheats are very useful but this requires a mod to use them. You can activate this simple mod within a few minutes.

Seasons Traits 

Cheat CodeResult
traits.equip_trait coldacclimationCold Acclimation – increases resistance to cold weather
traits.equip_trait heatacclimationHeat Acclimation – increases resistance to hot weather
traits.equip_trait burningmanHeatproof – grants immunity to hot weather
traits.equip_trait icemanIceproof – grants immunity to cold weather
traits.equip_trait stormchaserStorm Chaser – makes Sims enjoy thunderstorms.

If you want to add reward traits directly to your Sim without buying them in the store, you can add this traits.

Change Current Season

Cheat CodeResult
seasons.set_season <0>Change season to Summer
seasons.set_season <1>Change season to Fall
seasons.set_season <2>Change season to Winter
seasons.set_season <3>Change season to Spring
seasons.advance_seasonGo to the next season in your current played game
seasons.set_season_length <0>Change the length of the season to 7 days
seasons.set_season_length <1>Change the length of the season to 14 days
seasons.set_season_length <3>Change the length of the season to 28 days

Weather Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_HotChanges the weather to Cloudy and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_WarmChanges the weather to Cloudy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event Weather_Cloudy_CoolChanges the weather to Cloudy and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_ColdChanges the weather to Cloudy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_FreezingChanges the weather to Cloudy and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_HotChanges the weather to Partly Cloudy and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_WarmChanges the weather to Partly Cloudy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_CoolChanges the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_ColdChanges the weather to Partly Cloudy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_PartlyCloudy_FreezingChanges the weather to Partly Cloudy and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_FreezingChanges the weather to Windy and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_ColdChanges the weather to Windy and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_WarmChanges the weather to Windy and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_HotChanges the weather to Windy and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_HotChanges the weather to Sunny and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_WarmChanges the weather to Sunny and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_CoolChanges the weather to Sunny and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_ColdChanges the weather to Sunny and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_FreezingChanges the weather to Sunny and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_HotChanges the weather to Sun Shower and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_WarmChanges the weather to Sun Shower and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunShower_CoolChanges the weather to Sun Shower and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Heavy_FreezingChanges the weather to Heavy Snow and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_Light_FreezingChanges the weather to Light Snow and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_ColdChanges the weather to Heavy Rain and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_CoolChanges the weather to Heavy Rain and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Heavy_WarmChanges the weather to Heavy Rain and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_debug_fastrainChanges the weather to Heavy Rain and Hot.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_ColdChanges the weather to Light Rain and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_CoolChanges the weather to Light Rain and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Light_WarmChanges the weather to Light Rain and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_ThundersnowChanges the weather to Thundersnow and Freezing.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Cloudy_DryLightningChanges the weather to Cloudy and Warm and it will show you a beautiful sunlight through the trees.
weather.start_weather_event weather_SunsnowChanges the weather to Sunsnow and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_TestChanges the weather to Sunsnow and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Windy_BurningChanges the weather to Windy and Heatweave.
weather.start_weather_event Weather_HeatwaveChanges the weather to Sunny and Heatwave.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_WarmChanges the weather to Thunderstorm and Warm.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_ColdChanges the weather to Thunderstorm and Cold.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Rain_Storm_CoolChanges the weather to Thunderstorm and Cool.
weather.start_weather_event weather_Snow_StormChanges the weather to Blizzard and Freezing

Lightning Cheats

Cheat CodeResult
Sims.get_sim_id_by_name {Firstname} {Lastname}Retrieve SimsID
weather.lightning_strike_object {simID}This will trigger a lightning strike on a sim of your choosing.
weather.summon_lightning_strikeThis will trigger a random lightning strike in your neighborhood

Sims 4 Emotions Cheats & Moodlet Cheats
